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Regular meeting of the East China Township Board recorded on Monday, June 19, 2017 runs just over an hour…
St. Clair Art Fair this weekend June 24-25, Hear all about the St. Clair Art Association’s 46th Annual Event in Downtown St. Clair
Regular meeting of the Marine City Commission recorded on Thursday, June 18, 2017
Regular meeting of the City of Marine City, Michigan Commission recorded on Thursday, June 15, 2017 runs about 45 min.
Promo video for St. Clair on the River week 4 – “St. Clair Art Fair”
Regular meeting of the Cottrellville Township Board recorded on Wednesday, June 14, 2017 runs 1:57
Gem Theatrics comes back to the Snug for another great performance…St. Clair Golf Club hits 100 years, and SCCCMH’s Deb Johnson pays a visit…