SJRDH Golf Outing is discussed with Dr. Bacheldor and Bill Zweng, Deb Johnson from SCCCMH, project Project Senior Fresh with Cargill’s support, and Port Huron Museum with a summer of fun….
Author - Video Manager
Regular meeting of the City of Marine City Commission, recorded on Thursday, June 2, 2016 runs 2:45:52
Honors Convocation 2016 – St. Clair High School recorded on Wed., June 1, 2016 at the EC Performing Arts Center….runs 1:23 minutes
Honors Convocation 2016 – St. Clair High School recorded on Wed., June 1, 2016 at the EC Performing Arts Center….runs 1:23 minutes
Performing at the East China PAC the St. Clair Middle School Bands provide an hour of entertainment
Performing at the East China PAC the St. Clair Middle School Bands provide an hour of entertainment
Recorded at the East China School District Performing Arts Center, the 8th Grade Honors ceremony from St. Clair Middle School
Recorded at the East China School District Performing Arts Center, the 8th Grade Honors ceremony from St. Clair Middle School
Remerbrance of the Fallen during the St.Clair Memoirial DAy 2016 eecorded on Monday My 20, 2016 at 1 pm
Remerbrance of the Fallen during the St.Clair Memoirial DAy 2016 eecorded on Monday My 20, 2016 at 1 pm