Professional Boat Captain, explains how many Boats and Ship she is Master of…..
Author - Video Manager
LaFontaine Ford Grand Opening, Sandfest 2023, and the Arc of St. Clair County
Regular meetiing of the East China Township Board, recorded on Monday, July 17, 2023 tuns 35 minutes
Regular meeting of the City of St. Clair Council runs 46 minutes
Preview of FAIR WEEK, with Ambassabors of the 4-H Fair…..
Regular meeting of the Cottrellville Township Board recorded on Wed. June 12, 2023 runs 19 minutes
Former St. Clair County Sheriff Ret Sgt. Jerry Bassett talks Football, Family and Golf with Graig on this Edition
St.Clair Rec, talks SUMMER FUN, Deb Johnson from SCCCMH brings us up to date of their activites
37th Annual Keith Malcom Memorial Fireworks from the St. Clair River in St. Clair Michigan on July 4, 2023
Steve McConnell a Mariner Super Fan is interviewed by Craig Zimmerman on this edition