37th Annual Keith Malcom Memorial Fireworks from the St. Clair River in St. Clair Michigan on July 4, 2023
Author - Video Manager
Regular meeting of the East China Township Board, recorded on Monday, July 3, 2023 runs 30 minutes
BWYMCA introduces “Warm World” to the Eddy Center in St. Clair, and an Update of all things ” Maritime Days – 2023″
This editon of “In the Zone” welcome James Christie to a conversation with Craig Zimmerman
Craig Zimmerman’s guest on this edition of “In the Zone” is Fred Winzer
Regular meeting of the East China School Board Board, recorded on Monday, June 26, 2023 runs 41 minutes
Scott Adkins returns to Focus but this time as City Manager of the City of Marine City, and Patrick Patterson from BW ROC talks “Recovery”
Marine City Community Leader Georgia Phelan, shares memories with Craig Zimmerman
East China School District – IT GUY Craig Headlee joins Craig Zimmereman on this editon of “In the Zone”
Regular meeting of the East China Townsip Board recorded on Monday, June 19, 2023 runs 20 minutes