SCHS – SCMS Bands – Dec.7, 2016

St. Clair High School Bands, perform at the East China Performing Arts Center for their Winter Concert….recorded on Wed., Dec. 7, 2016

SCHS – SCMS Bands – Dec.7, 2016

St. Clair High School Bands, perform at the East China Performing Arts Center for their Winter Concert….recorded on Wed., Dec. 7, 2016

Focus Week of Dec. 11, 2016

Cast members from PHCT “Doctor Dollitte 2” visit Focus, and another look at United Way St. Clair County

SJRDH – “Lights of Love”

St. John River District Hospital’s Auxilary’s “Lights of Love” Celebration recorded on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2016

SJRDH – “Lights of Love”

St. John River District Hospital’s Auxilary’s “Lights of Love” Celebration recorded on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2016

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