Regular meeting of the City of St. Clair Council recorded on Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Regular meeting of the East China Township Board, recorded on Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Keith Malcom Memorial Fireworks – 2016 from Palmer Park in Downtown St. Clair… runs about 20 minutes
Keith Malcom Memorial Fireworks – 2016 from Palmer Park in Downtown St. Clair… runs about 20 minutes
UNC Golf Team member originally from St. Clair visits with John Carter on today’s Press Box show
A special At the Market with Martha Collins where she hosts here own River Crab, and a second segment with St. John River District Hospital
Regular board meeting of the Easts China School District recordedon Monday, June 27, 2016
Ernest Worth -Toward, Executive Director, Blue Water
Habitat for Humanity reviews the recent Ribbon Cutting on Orchard Street in St. Clair
Jeff Katofosky, Developer- St. Clair Inn, brings the community up to date on the development plans for the St. Clair Inn, and timeline for reopening this wonderful treasure runs about 19 minutes
Regular meeting of the City of St. Clair Council recorded on Monday, June 20, 2016 runs just over an hour