SCC Convention Center

Jeff Bohm discusses the NEW St.Clair County Convention Center with General Manager Kris Appel, SMG and host Paul Dingeman

Marine City Commission 10/15

Regular meeting of the Marine City commission runs 2:00 or so, recorded on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015

Focus Wk of Oct. 18

St. Clair Women’s League’s Passport to Poland Dinner Nov. 5, is discussed, and Mike Gaylord talks Antiques, Sue Daniels previews St. Clair’s Santa Parade Nov. 20, 2015

St. Clair Roads -Millage Vote

Mayor Bill Cedar and City Superintendent Mike Booth disucuss the Tuesday, Nov. 3 Millage election to fix the roads in St. Clair

Press Box Oct. 15-16

Coach Kelly Thomas and MC Volleyball Team Co-Captains visit with John Carter about their season

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