Regular meetinf od the Marine City Commission recorded on Thursday, July 16, 2015 runs 1:50
St. Clair Beautification Commision 2015 Yard of the Year Contest…and FREE PRE SCHOOL at ECSD
Chef Chantel and their featured item Perch Rubuen
4- H Fair preview with the 4 H Ambassors, fun interview, then Matt Flynn discuss the Beer and Wine Tasting event in St..Clair Plaza Park on July 31
Regular meeting of the Cottrellville Towsnhip Board recorded on Wed., July 8, 2015 runs 9 minutes
Regular meeting of the East China Township Board, recorded on Monday, July 6, 2015 runs about 1:30
Kristin Bane cooks again on ATM , making a wonderrful Salad
New Paint job, great Riverside Pub LaCroix… stop and have a special this week……
Annual Keith Malcolm Memorial Fireworks along the St. Clair River in Downtown St. Clair on Saturday, July 4, 2015
Annual Keith Malcolm Memorial Fireworks along the St. Clair River in Downtown St. Clair on Saturday, July 4, 2015