Performing at the East China PAC the Marine City Middle School Bands performed on Thursday, June 3, 2015
MIddle School Bands from St. Clair Middle School peform at the PAC on Wed., June 4, 2015
MIddle School Bands from St. Clair Middle School peform at the PAC on Wed., June 4, 2015
Regular meeting of the Cottrellville Township Board recorded on Wed., June 11, 2015 run 01:54
Recorded at the Pac the Middle School Bands peform their Spring Concert 2015 on Wed., June 3, 2015
Recorded at the Pac the Middle School Bands peform their Spring Concert 2015 on Wed., June 3, 2015
Regular meeting of the East China Township Board recorded on Monday, June 1, 2015 runs just over an hour
Regular meeting of the City of St. Clair Council recorded on Monday, June 1, 2015 runs about 15 minutes
Chef Mike Moretz returns to ATM and wows the audience with a great chicken salad
Krisitin Bane from Harsens Island’s Schoolhouse Grill shares joy of cooking with Brian Neiman on this week’s ATM